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Old 04-14-2024
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Default Re: Anyone selling on TikTok shop?

Originally Posted by solefoodbk View Post
They just updated deferred payments to now 31 days lol, it's going to take me about 45 days to receive my money.

Thank you @SaiJin

One other thing, their policy for giving out refunds to customers is just as loose for sellers. There are lots of scammers on TikTok, at least my customers are. Recently I had someone ask to return their order, it was worth $1,200+....

I have sold online for over 10 years and have no idea how this happened, however they returned their package with tracking marked delivered but it actually wasn't. I talked with the manager at my UPS store, she wrote me a letter saying this, had it signed and everything....

TikTok refunded me $1,200+ off that letter, even with tracking showed delivered. Just like they refund customers even if tracking shows delivered. Their relaxed policy won't last forever, but for now it's unbelievably loose.
It takes Ebay years to keep improving its system,sounds like TikTok has to do the same,in the mean time,to minimise your loss,you should deal in smaller amount,$1200 sounds like a lot of money for a new site
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