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Old 04-23-2024
solefoodbk solefoodbk is offline
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Default Re: Anyone selling on TikTok shop?

Well my f*cking account is disabled.

As I said from the start, customers can open return requests even if tracking shows delivered, and TikTok will refund them. Turns out you get enough of those and they flag your account. I know I was targeted by some group because it happened to frequently, and the customers KNEW they would get refunded. I have $6000 pending, probably won't get it back.

I would recommend everyone selling on TikTok to use their TikTok labels, I would assume this prevents what happened to me.

I had customer spend $1000+ on an order, with signature confirmation after their 2nd appeal TikTok refunded half their order. Their marketplace practices will never allow them to scale. It's a ponzi. I showed them proof via tracking, receipt of purchase via shipstation, and THEIR OWN SIGNATURE FROM USPS, yet TikTok still refunded half there order on my behalf of course.
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