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Old 04-28-2024
solefoodbk solefoodbk is offline
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Default Re: Anyone selling on TikTok shop?

Originally Posted by SaiJin View Post
Sounds like amazon FBM vs FBA where the tiktok label is like FBA with more protection.
Just based off experience from selling on all these marketplaces, I think people know TikTok refunds if you simply claim "item not received". And for me, I cater to a group of customers that will most assuredly abuse that option if given the chance. If you're selling some cool gadget for $10 most people would never bother with this. However if you sold something for $300+ and could resell, or just want it for free this plays a factor.

All other marketplaces do not penalize you if a customer opens a request claiming it was not received if tracking clearly shows delivered. At the same time, these marketplaces generally speaking do not just openly refund unless it's Poshmark. TikTok incentives this based on their loose policy.

My first sale actually resulted in this. I used TikTok labels and the procedure was different. I received an email saying the compensation was refunded in error and I would not be held accountable. It took 15+ days to get my money back but once I started using my own labels via Shipstation, I didn't get the same responses.

In a sense I could understand TikTok from an algorithm looking at my account, seeing I have 50 sales, 5+ with customers opening claims saying they do not have it, and these are high value $300-$1000+ sales. But then it's a matter of who do you want selling in the marketplace?

They cannot blame you if you're using TikTok labels. That is key. The reason for my deactivation was "cancelled sales", but within the policy they claimed I was in connection with these people opening claims, or that I manipulated tracking. Complete nonsense. Yet whatever I feel does not matter, you just have to play the game within the rules they set.

I was just approved for Walmart which should hopefully counter whatever sales lost I had with TikTok. In a few months I will open another account. Treat it like Mercari, hope for at most $2,500 sales and thats it. Not trying to make my business revolve around TikTok.

Last edited by solefoodbk; 04-28-2024 at 02:46 AM.
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