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Old 12-21-2014
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Default Re: Etsy or aliexpress?

hiya oompaloompa, soooo glad to see you hear again!!!

I was thinking of sourcing goods from abroad and instead of selling on ebay which uses paypal - sell maybe on aliexpress - do you think it can be done on aliexpress?

Originally Posted by oompaloompa View Post
I remember you Lucy! we used to chat...

ok so it depends on your goods, they usually have to be unique or handmade for etsy, high prices and sales are good if your goods are in demand and if your feeback is good too.

aliexpress, not so much, it is more where people go for goods that they will sell on with a margin. However if you are Uk there are also retail customers on there that get one-offs like they would on ebay, but it would need to be goods they cannot get online for a better price from ebay or online in UK.....
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