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Old 12-30-2014
Baffled Baffled is offline
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Default Re: Getting Past Gumtree

Originally Posted by JamesNorth101 View Post
Just because there are 100's all over the site does not mean that it is not the item.

Gumtree have started to block new accounts that are trying to list certain items soon after creation.
If his is true this must have literally happened over the last few days because this is when the problem started.

I should let an account mature then? But for how long.

But even then, it makes no sense as sometimes i can list something i will be removed within 5 mins and other times within 12 hours, also this cant be true because if that was the case they would send an email first explaining the reason, but because they remove and ban straight away that implies that they know its from me hence no email from them explaining why it was removed. They would never remove and ad and ban them within 5 mins of posting something
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