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Old 03-01-2019
Lucynda Lucynda is offline
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Default Re: Adyen is using Cleartax to verify identity.

Originally Posted by phaz0rz View Post
Thanks for the link. Cool stuff. I've been wondering for a while why "credit report entries" are being sold online...
I was really shocked by how relatively easy it is to set this up.

For people just setting up accounts to sell some things from around the house, I kinda see this as a non-issue because they won't be worried about their info being linked to old shut down accounts. Slokor sells accounts so this is probably going to be an issue for him. It's going to make his business more complicated.

However, if Beautiful over on the Amazon side of thing can create successfully verified Amazon accounts (which do require photo Id's and documents) then I'm sure eBay account sellers can too. The biggest problem I see with that is the EIN because you can't sell an EIN, but I think you can update it.
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