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Old 03-01-2019
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Default Re: Adyen is using Cleartax to verify identity.

Originally Posted by Lucynda View Post
I'm looking at this. it says it wants to check your KYC identity and has a section where it says you can check and see if you are KYC compliant. Do become KYC compliant they want you to submit the following items

Documents required for KYC
Investors need to submit the following documents along with their Know Your Client application form and a passport size photograph.

a. ID Proof: PAN Card, Driving License, Passport copy, Voter ID, Aadhaar Card or bank photo passbook.

b. Proof of Address: Recent landline or mobile bill, electricity bill, passport copy, recent demat account statement, latest bank passbook, ration card, Voter ID, rental agreement, Driving License or Aadhaar card.

I know there are people on these forums that sell ⊗⊗⊗⊗ versions of these but the question is do they verify them?

I'm also confused because I called Ayden a few weeks back and they said because my account was through eBay I would never have to submit an ID.
What if you're from EU?
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