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Old 03-01-2019
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Default Re: Adyen is using Cleartax to verify identity.

Originally Posted by ebaystealth1974 View Post
Not even close. There are single sellers on there nowdays that probably outsell as small sellers combined.

The whole point of eBay is PROFIT. No matter what...
That's 100% not true. You are severely underestimating the "small sellers". eBay is as dependent on small sellers as they are on eBay. There isn't one seller on ebay making even a fraction of the "small sellers" combined. Of course there are high volume sellers who make up a large percent of the marketplace, but they are outnumbered 1000 to 1 on eBay. "Small sellers" are at least half of the marketplace and the only reason ebay still exist. If they weed the small sellers out not only will they lose a huge percentage of their sales, it will start a trickle down effect that will slowly be the death of ebay. People shop on ebay for deals. No small sellers = no deals. People will stop buying on there and you get the rest right? lol If you think large companies are concerns about the future of ebay your mistaken. Of course they are going to sell on ebay because it's sales they don't wanna miss out on. But why would a company like Foot Locker pay the huge fees and deal with the ridiculous buyer protections when they can sell on their website with no fees and able to make their own regulations? Or on Amazon that does 10x the business ebay does? That's why I'm not freaking out about what's to come with eBay. If they go the route of verifying each seller like amazon, me and many others will take our business elsewhere. I know that we have products that people want to buy and can make a profit on. Those customers will still be out there. It's all about finding out how to get to them.
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